Sold Price:
Sold Date:
April 17, 2023
Announcing the Sale of 1024 Cherokee St in Denver, CO
Denver, CO – April 24, 2023 – Madison Commercial Properties is pleased to announce the Sale of 1024 Cherokee St in Denver Colorado. The 14,336 Square foot Office Building sold to Clotheory, P.B.C. for its own use, for $4,200,000 or $292.97 Per Square Foot.
Nick Jurgens, Principal/Managing Partner, with Madison Commercial Properties, represented the Buyer. Unique Properties Represented the Seller.
Clotheory experiments and executes the agile supply chain model to close and chain off circular economy loops for apparel designers and industrialists, brands, and small and large companies alike. It’s a forward-thinking and minimalist retailer and manufacturer, showcasing the intersections of sustainability, craftsmanship, fashion, and the ethics shift within soft goods industrialism. Clotheory takes the Denver scene as its vehicle and renders services for sustainability forward companies that practice preserving global resources. OUR TRANSMISSION OF DEDICATED, CRAFTSMANSHIP TRANSCENDS WHOLESOME IMPACT FROM CLOTH TO ECONOMY. IF // THEN // RESULTS
Khiember Wiskamp, Founder / President / CEO, with Clotheory stated, “Clotheory is a platform to educate and influence the consumers and communities of conscientious, locally-made products with fair apparel and manufacturing practices transparent in every process, host a platform for the independent designers and makers of the global economy that share a similar mission, support the effort to keep handcrafted traditions alive, alongside executing sustainability from the loom, production, store fronts, consumer and the end life with each garment. The company’s purpose is to create a wearable, visual voice from our elevated city to other cities that have the potential and opportunity for better fashion and apparel business practices unique to their geographical location. We’re are grateful to be apart of the Golden Triangle community and for bringing the art of fashion to the district. John Wiskamp, Co-founder and COO, and I are excited to introduce Clotheory’s B2B and direct to consumer apparel and accessory product lines due to launch in November 2023.”
Want to learn more about this deal?
Contact the Broker today!

Nick Jurgens
Managing Partner
Mobile: 720-257-5183